Monday, February 13, 2012

Loss of A Loved One

Chapter Two: Write a memory of a family event or scene that had an impact on your growth and development. Think about the importance of the vent, and what you learned from it that stays with you.
Loss of a Loved One: I was raised without a father. The only father figure I had growing up was my mother’s brother. Mateo ‘Marty’ Gonzales. I was fourteen years old, and his death came to a shock when he was forty-one. I was forced to know the feeling of losing a loved one. His death was all too sudden; I was able to use his death to become close to my God. I truly believe that God was the one to help me get through this tough difficult time. Almost ten years has passed since his passing, and I still somehow find it hard to believe that I will never feel his hugs again; I know that everything will be okay because God would not give me anything I cannot handle. My grandmother endured a lot of pain, due to his passing. As a mother of a two-year-old little boy, and a soon to be mother of a little girl, I cannot imagine losing my child. From his sudden death, I learned to cherish every single moment, and to keep my loved ones close. I also learned to live each day as its last, because tomorrow is never promised. (Word Count: 195)

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